How To Get Faster Under Snatches: Tall Snatch

The best weightlifters in the world do many things better than the rest of us, but one thing they do exceptionally well is getting under heavy barbells really fast. 

Speed under the bar is one of the biggest keys to improving your snatch, yet it’s often the hardest piece of the puzzle for many lifters to learn.

There are many ways to get faster under the bar, but if you don’t know HOW to get under the bar, this drill could be a game changer.  

What is the Tall Snatch?

The Tall Snatch is a drill for the snatch that is designed to isolate and practice getting under the bar fast. To understand how this works, keep in mind the following:

“Legs move the bar up, arms move the body down.”

In the Snatch, your legs should do all the work to elevate the bar to its highest position, or peak. At the moment the bar reaches its peak, then your arms may begin to pull, but not to elevate the bar further. Instead, you must use your arms to pull yourself under the momentarily weightless barbell. This phase of the lift is called the Third Pull.

How To Perform

To perform the Tall Snatch, start with your hands in your snatch grip and the bar hanging at your waist. Initiate the lift with a shrug, then, without any assistance from your legs, pull yourself under the barbell with your arms. 

This can be very challenging to do, so make sure to practice several times with an empty barbell before loading any weight on the bar. 

Some coaches may program this with a calf raise in combination with the shrug to better mimic the positions you will be in during a snatch, however, I’ve found this to be more limiting than helpful. 

Check out the demo video here!


The Tall Snatch works well as a movement primer before your normal snatch workout, but it can also be used as a stand-alone exercise before your squat or overhead squat workout like I frequently program on the Skills & Strength days in my 5-Day OlyStrong Online Weightlifting Team.

As I mentioned earlier, this lift can be very challenging, so keep in mind that you’ll need to stay much lighter for this compared to other exercises. Try programming these for 3-5 sets of 2-5 reps, between 20-40% of your best snatch. 

Hopefully, this clarified some things for you and maybe even gave you a lightbulb moment with your technique. If you ever need a free form check on your videos, you’re always welcome to join my free discord here and drop your video in the #form-checks channel. 

By the way, I’ve got a free beginner weightlifting guide and a 6-week program! If you’re new to the olympic lifts, then check it out here!

And if you’re looking for a weightlifting program designed to help you set PRs, improve your technique, and get strong af, then check out a FREE WEEK TRIAL of my 3 & 5-Day OlyStrong Team at the link below!

Weightlifting Programming, TechniqueBrian chambersTall Snatch Drill, Increasing Snatch Speed, Olympic Weightlifting Techniques, Pulling Under the Bar, Speed Training for Snatch, Olympic Lifting Speed Drills, Tall Snatch for Beginners, Improving Snatch Technique, Weightlifting Pull Under Drills, Snatch Movement Efficiency, Olympic Weightlifting Speed Improvement, Tall Snatch Execution, Enhancing Snatch Pull Under, Speed Drills for Olympic Lifters, Developing Faster Snatch, Tall Snatch Training Tips, Weightlifting Technique Drills, Snatch Speed Optimization, Pull Under Technique in Snatch, Olympic Lifting Technique Improvement, Mastering the Tall Snatch, Snatch Acceleration Training, Olympic Weightlifting Training Drills, Quickness in Snatch Pulls, Tall Snatch Benefits, Learning to Pull Under Snatch, Snatch Technique for Speed, Speed Improvement Drills Weightlifting, Tall Snatch Practice, Olympic Lifting Pull Under Techniques, Enhancing Olympic Lifting Speed, Snatch Quickness Drills, Building Speed in Snatch, Tall Snatch for Speed Development, Olympic Weightlifting Drill Techniques, Improving Pull Under Speed, Snatch Technique Enhancement, Olympic Weightlifting Speed Exercises, Speed Training Techniques in Weightlifting, Fast Pull Snatch Drills, Snatch Pull Under Improvement, Tall Snatch Workout, Speed Focus in Olympic Weightlifting, Efficient Snatch Technique Drills, Olympic Lifting Speed Work, Snatch Technique Speed Drills, Developing Snatch Technique, Olympic Weightlifting Quick Pulls, Tall Snatch for Improved SnatchComment